Recovery Houses in Lancaster PA
Our focus first is on your recovery. Building a solid foundation of recovery for the rest of your life is priority number one. Residents may be required to attend and complete outpatient treatment at one of several facilities in the Lancaster County and surrounding areas if this was part of your post Treatment plan. At R3 we believe that recovery is about learning to live life without the influence of drugs and alcohol.
R3 residents are required to obtain gainful employment while living at one of R3’s recovery houses. Work gives us purpose and satisfaction, earning money to support ourselves is a part of life that is vital. R3 offers mentoring for several life skills that we consider highly important. They include: resume building, interview skills, work ethic, consistency, budgeting, conflict mediation, and many more life skills.
It’s part of our mission and our name: R3 – Recover, Restore, Rebuild:
Recovering From Addiction
Recovery from addiction starts with treatment, and then transitioning into a living environment that is high quality, clean, safe and positive. That’s why we own or have long term leases and remodel all our properties and invest in making them as nice as possible and somewhere you can be proud to live.
Restoring Your Self-Esteem And Confidence While Discovering Your God Given Abilities
This means working on your sobriety and finding gainful employment or productive things to work on. It is our belief that recovery requires faith in the results for things outside your control and action for those things within your control.
Getting a sponsor, attending regular step based recovery programs and getting yourself a job are examples of things within your control. As you are ready to move forward, we will help you with a resume, job coaching skills and encouragement.
Rebuilding Your Life
This means taking the foundation principles of recovery, living with sobriety-minded people, working a faith based or step program to continue your sobriety developing both community and accountability to achieve your goals.
R3House supports you as you restart your career or finish your education as well as building a foundation for financial wellness, restoring trusted relationships, finding a mentor, getting informed on addressing legal issues and building a longer term recovery plan. These options and more are provided to Residents of R3House LLC through our partner organization, R3 Recovery Services, a PA non profit recovery services organization.
When you starting living at R3House, we introduce you to all these options and set up your first meeting with R3 Recovery Services. Our goal is to provide you the opportunity to continue your recovery with additional pathways for success while living in a structured, supportive, accountable, safe living environment. Our Recovery Houses are designed to be that safe space people need after leaving inpatient treatment.
“R3 has been everything I didn’t know I needed in recovery. I’m not originally from Lancaster so naturally I entered into this program very apprehensive. I have struggled for years going in and out of treatment centers, hospitals, various sober houses without much success and I was thinking R3 would be no different. To my surprise, I was welcomed into a beautifully designed, up-to-date, professionally staffed and structured living environment with other people who were serious about recovery. These random strangers quickly became some of my greatest friends with the R3 planned events, spending time in common areas watching sports or playing games, and in-house personalized meetings all paired with a staff that genuinely cares. I can’t thank the staff and my colleagues enough for pushing me to be the best version of myself and I am excited to continue this journey with the help and support of R3.”