Recovery Support Programs in Lancaster PA
We recommend a variety of in-house and community based support programs listed below:
AA, NA, & Faith-Based Programs
R3 House supports step-based recovery programs. You can attend AA, NA or one of many faith-based programs. The key is regular attendance and getting into an accountable, sponsor-type relationship.
Residents are expected to attend a minimum of five 12-step, or similar, meetings per week
Residents are expected to be on best behavior at all meetings and AA/NA events; we all represent the R3House and its reputation
Residents are asked to have a sponsor in either AA/NA and have your sponsor introduce themselves to the house manager
R3 Recovery Services
We are committed to assisting residents who are serious about rebuilding their lives. In order to support you, we started a PA non profit Recovery Services organization. The mission, to provide additional pathways for success for those living in recovery houses in Lancaster County.
For those who are interested we will provide you with services that help you build important life skills. If you are interested in taking advantage of these services, please inform the house manager and we will set an appointment to talk with you. Services include but are not limited to:
Life Skills Classes
Access to Family and Trauma Counseling Referrals
Resume and Job Search
Referrals to local outpatient recovery programs
Medical Assistance and Local Services Connections
Replacing lost IDs, Setting up SNAP or Unemployment Services, Moving State Insurance to Lancaster County and other social services
Personal Budgeting and Savings Goals
Access to education on your legal rights and referrals to support addressing legal challenges caused by addiction
Spiritual mentoring and faith discovery
Personal Goal Setting
Developing Good Personal and Work Habits
Please visit R3 Recovery Services’ website to learn more.
“ I don’t know where I would be without R3. There is a refreshing confidence that I’ve earned that I know couldn’t have flourished in the way that it has anywhere else. There is a new sense of accomplishment. There is a sense of belonging. There is a sense of community. There is finally a sense of hope and the idea of a future I can be proud of and I have R3 to thank.”